Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Postdate From 11/25/06

A rare entry....

- Traveling on a hard surface road near the cabin...late PM...cloudy/cool/rainy afternoon....and, as always on the lookout for wildlife, and was I rewarded....
- From my SUV, looking across a fence down a seldom traveled side road, I saw an animal about 200 yards away. In the dim light ID was difficult. I backed up for a better view, and raised the binoculars....A very large, dark colored Bobcat...poised as if frozen in doubt anticipating the movements of a morsel nearby, perhaps a rabbit. I watched the animal for 2-3 minutes...then, in one long graceful leap it was gone. What a beautiful animal. Made my day. No photo was possible.
- The night before, after darkness had fallen, I was relaxed on the back deck, which is 12-15' high and looking down a slope into the deep forest, a feeling of a tree house.... an ideal vantage point from which to view wildlife, relax, and sleep on occasions, as now. An extremely loud noise in the dry, deep leaves below startled me, and in the darkness, raised some concerns. I waited, and on it came...the noises extremely loud in the still evening air. When the noises were almost under the deck, I made my move to stand and view the intruder..and, silhouetted against the pale fallen leaves in the glow of the half moon, a large raccoon could be seen as it made its retreat back down the slope. Cunning? Yes. Careful? No.


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