Wednesday, April 02, 2008

4-2-08 Observations

- Seasonal on the mountain this and a bit breezy....Lower 40s with a high today in the mid 60s. The talk is of rain starting tomorrow and possibly continuing through Friday night.
- Saw my first active Serpentes late PM yesterday while on the bike...a small Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (Eastern Garter Snake)....and this particular specimen (these common snakes are very temperatmental) seemed to be delighted to again be above ground and active!
- We had .42" of rain yesterday, while much of middle Tennessee had upwards of 2". The local temperature was in the 70s yesterday, but since a front has moved through the area, thus the somewhat cooler temperatures today.
- Walked down to Mother's Bridge construction site today....the boys were fastening the 60' I-Beams to the concrete supports, over the noisy waters of the creek. This covered bridge, which is designed for one-lane traffic, is in a beautiful wooded valley, and the water tumbling over the irregular bedrock only adds to the serenity of this otherwise quiet and peaceful setting.
- Attached is a photo of a Slate Colored Junco. This specimen is probably getting lonely, as many of its kind are in the process of leaving this area for more northern climes.
- Also attached is a photo of three regulars at my feeders...The American Goldfinch (this male is in a plumage change), a Purple Finch (male) and the seemingly always present Tufted Titmouse.
- The other photo shows a close-up of the 'paint brush' finish on the plumage of the male Purple Finch. I love Peterson's description of this avia...."a sparrow dipped in raspberry juice".


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