Wednesday, November 29, 2006

11/29/06 Observations

Unseasonably warm, some wind, partly cloudy...lower 60s...

- Birds everywhere...but, again, no deer....which makes several days in a row...after seeing them every day for 2-3 months. Hunting season? No doubt their habits have changed, though they are protected here.
- Two Fox Sparrows on the ground under a feeder....
- First obervation...a Slate Colored Junco...thistle...
- Eleven Goldfinches....
- Two White Breasted Nuthatches....(photos shows one on the feeder)
- Seven Mourning Doves on the ground....
- A Red-Bellied Woodpecker seems only the Hairy W and the Downy W visit the suet....
- A six-point buck crossed the road in front of my SUV this photo possible...the animal seemed sad and beaten, and who knows? Perhaps he had been in a tussle with the huge buck spotted in this area a few weeks ago...Odds are he will now make it. The deer season is a week and a half old, and if he has survived so far, he will probably make it....if he stays on our land!


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