Saturday, March 31, 2007

Signs of Spring

Warm and calm this the mid 50s....this past week was record breaking warmth, and it has a lot of the fauna and flora a bit off frequency...including me! Temperature was in the low 80s a few days this past week, a full twenty degrees above normal. Also, the nighttime temperatures have been so mild that the following has occured much earlier than usual....

- Dogwoods are blooming....about 3 wks. early

- The Wild Turkeys (see attached photo) started their mating ritual early...March 21...was the first time they woke me at first light with their gobbling.....

- The Redbuds bloomed early......

- The deer (attached) have changed habits...and are seen in different routines since the weather change.....

- Insects are everywhere...way too early....

- I caught two large Black Rat Snakes in the road this week....they seemed a bit off...for good reason...

- Next week forecasts are for more seasonal conditions...and we do need rain....already 7-8 inches below normal.....March is usually one of our wettest months....

- The Goldfinch males are already turning to summer on the feeder this AM already showing more brilliant yellow hues....

- The Maples, Poplars, and various other species have leaved out....and even some of the Oaks are showing a lot of green buds...and they usually are not in full leaf on the mountain until May!


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