Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Observations of 1/16/07

- Cloudy, windy and cold....
- A cold front came through during the wee hours...and the temp fell from 59 to 27 degrees F during the night....a bit of sleet and snow, but not much.
- Feeders very busy early AM....with several Titmice, Chickadees, Goldfinches, Mourning Doves, Nuthatches, and what appeared to be Fox Sparrows. No raccoons last night.
- When I arrived at the cabin late PM yesterday, a predator had obviously caught one of my birds...as one side of the front porch was covered by feathers. Predator and prey...though hard to internalize at times, it must be that way.
- Late yesterday, just prior to darkness, walked north through the woods and found a perch on a bluff overlooking a wide wooded ravine...with rugged bluffs and old growth hardwoods around the periphery. A light rain was falling and the soft patter of the drops on the deep leaves was soothing. A poem came to mind...."I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach...and not, when I came to die, realize that I had not lived." Thoreau
- A flock of Wild Turkeys, though never seen, kept me entertained...as they made their way through the quiet woodlands along the creek. I listed to their various vocals until nightfall, when, one by one, their heavy wingbeats were easily heard as they ascended to their roost.
- Two deer came through the front yard of the cabin early AM, just after first light....they were obviously alarmed, their steps quick, and they quickly disappeared into the forest north of the cabin. People walking? Coyote? Perhaps only cold, and they were doing what their kind do....escape and survival being the first order of existence.


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