Monday, December 11, 2006

Observations from the 12/9/06 Weekend

Clear and cold for the most part...great hiking weather...

- The raccoons were back at the cabin......
- Goldfinches, Field Sparrows (on the ground), Mourning Doves, a Hairy Woodpecker, and of course, the Nuthatches...frequented the feeders. Have not seen the Juncos since last week.
- A Canada Goose, one of three, sailed in for a landing on Lake George...two flew on by since that part of the lake was frozen..but one attempted to land. Have you ever laughed out loud at a goose? When I left the scene 30 minutes later, the bewildered avia was still standing on the ice.
- From the forest, I could hear the Sandhill Cranes far overhead...but two of us could never spot them....too high in the clear sky. I sense they were headed to The Hiwassee National Refuge (one of their staging areas) on The Tennessee River...about an hour east of us.
- The squirrels (or raccoons) ate all the ears of corn I had placed (on nails) in the trees in front of the cabin. A simple, but effective, feeder. All except one....see photo...on Smoky.
- The only Whitetail Deer I saw were in the fields going in to the cabin...just before dark.


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