Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Some December Days ....

- Unseasonably warm, sunny and bright...mid to upper 60s...

- All of the corn eaten...up in the trees...squirrels or raccoons...

On or near the feeders....

- Tufted Titmouse...
- Several Goldfinches...(See Photo)
- Mourning Doves (9)
- Nuthatches (2)
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Red-Bellied Woodpecker
- Worked hard to "raccoon proof" a suet feeder...time will tell...this one suspended 10' or so from a horizontal limb with thin gauge wire...about 4' off the ground...Surely the plump raccoons cannot get down this wire. The concern is that the feeder is only 2' or so from a tree trunk...and they may can reach it....stay tuned.


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