Tuesday, April 29, 2008

4-29-08 Observations

- Cool and clear on the mountain properties this AM...an invigorating morning with brilliant skies and a bit of a refreshing breeze.

- A bit over an inch of rain Sunday. Thankfully, 2008 has been closer to normal rainfall than the extremes of 2007.

- The Flame Azaleas (Genus Rhododendron) are blooming in the woodlands of the mountain properties. One of our only orange blossoms!

- Last evening....with fleeing gray and white cumulus partially obscuring the sunset and a brisk breeze moving the trees....and a very good novel in my hands....I dozed off on the back deck....priceless!

- New birds seem to be arriving daily. Recently on/near the feeders I have noticed male and female Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks (female in the attached photo), Goldfinches, Indigo Buntings (attached...male), various Sparrows, a Catbird, various Woodpeckers (a female Downy Woodpecker attached), White-Breasted Nuthatches, and more Northern Cardinals. The Grosbeaks and Indigo Buntings were first noticed about the middle of last week. If you have not personally witnessed the male Rose Breasted Grosbeak, you have missed one of Mother Nature's treasures. Hopefully a good photo will be posted soon.

- Many deer recently.....including six this morning. The males are experiencing new antler growth, and, for protection and nourishment, a vascular laced velvet covering will envelop the new growth until late summer, when it will begin to peel...a process often hastened by the deer rubbing their antlers against small trees or bushes.


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