Monday, August 11, 2008

8-11-08 Observations

- What weather! Cool nights (mid to upper 50s) and warm days (upper 70s to low 80s) have describe the weather on the mountain properties the last few days. Brilliant sunshine and low humidity! Is this mid-August or mid-September? Very nice!
- I have been hearing the call of the Bobwhite most everywhere I travel within the developments lately, and finally a couple of days ago, I managed to get a good camera shot of one of these rotund, primarily ground dwelling fowl. Last Friday, I watched as two adults and an entire brood of just hatched young crossed the road in front of me. The little puffs of feathers were no larger than a golf ball, but could they run! The Bobwhite has made quite a comeback in Tennessee in recent years. Once endangered in many parts of Tennessee (in the 90s), they are more numerous this year than I can ever recall. Their call in the late afternoon stillness reminds me of a time when the clock did not spin so fast! Once the most popular of the upland Tennessee game birds, I cannot remember the last time I heard someone say they had been 'quail' hunting. Watching a good dog hover on point near a hidden covey is one of the many fond memories of growing up in the Tennessee farmlands.
- Also attached is a recent photo of a traffic jam within our properties. This flock of Wild Turkeys seemed to be enjoying a light rain while the photo was taken through the windshield!


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