Saturday, May 12, 2007

5/12/07 Observations....

- Warm and calm this AM.....

- Five Whitetail Deer in the front yard....regular visitors these days.....

- The Chestnut Oak off my back deck (photo attached) has become quite a habitat for the local avia...enticed by a large feeder...including the Red-Bellied Woodpecker (see attached)

- The White Breasted Nuthatch collided with the glass of my cabin early this morning....the bird sat out of it for a time....and then when I approached to offer assitance, it flew away into the forest.

- The flora is only now beginning to show definite signs of recovery after the early April freeze...when, for three consecutive nights we had sub 20 degree temps....some of the trees, especially Hickories and the Tulip Populars, are still in shock, and many show no evidence of recovery, and could very well be permanently damaged.

- Spotted the Rose Breasted Grosbeak and the Indigo Bunting on my feeders this week....for the first time ever.

- Two Red-Bellied Woodpeckers are raising a brood in the dead branch of a tree above my back deck....entertaining, though noisy at times.


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