Friday, December 14, 2007

12-14-07 Observations

- Cloudy and cool this morning.....38 F
- As uncle used to say on the farm..."Weather movin' in"....the forecast is for perhaps substantial rain tomorrow and tomorrow night....ending in a few snow showers...with possible light accumulation on parts of the Cumberland Plateau.
- No deer around this least within sight.
- The raccoons were back last night....the ears of corn, for the squirrels....placed on feeders off the ground, were gone, and a large bird feeder, filled yesterday with sunflower seeds, was completely empty. The other feeders, more 'coon proof' in a large Chestnut Oak behind the cabin, still had a good supply of seeds. The simple things................
- Attached are recent photos of a flock of Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) beside a new road in Greenfields and two Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) that seem to be quite content despite their exposed perch in a cold wind.


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