Tuesday, January 15, 2008

1/15/08 Observations

- Cold (low 20s) and clear this morning on the mountain properties.
- Forecast of wintry mix for tomorrow night and Thursday. The mountains look great with a cover of snow. We are due for snow...it has been a while.
- We received approximately 1.5" of rain late last week, at least temporarily easing the water situation in some areas. Our lakes and creeks are now near normal levels for this time of year.
- Gray Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) on the bird feeders this morning. Only they know why they prefer to jump from the trunk of a tree to the feeders suspended by wire 6-8' away....instead of eating the corn and sunflower seeds on the squirrel feeders nearby. I suppose they enjoy the challenge.
- Two deer came running wildly through the trees early this morning and ran across my yard in front of the cabin. They appeared to be just enjoying the cold and not attempting to escape from any predator.
- The birds were active this morning...The Red-Bellied Woodpecker, Goldfinches, several Titmice and Carolina Chickadees, and the ever present White Breasted Nuthatches were constants on the feeders this morning.
- Work continues on Mother's Bridge, a new, covered bridge that will span Stone Creek roughly a mile and a half down the valley behind my cabin. Soon this will be one of our signature areas...a deep wooded valley with nature parks on both sides of a covered bridge.


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