Saturday, August 11, 2007

8-11-07 Observations

- Unseasonably warm for a week now...highs near 100 in the city...around 90-92 on the mountain....
- I can see a few signs of the onset of my favorite time of year however....the angle of the sun through the late PM trees, the late PM breeze, the reduced time from sunset until darkness, lower night humidity, despite the heat.
- Have not seen a deer in my yard for six days....too hot! I did see one bedded in the long grass just south of the cabin as I was on a late PM walk....the deer tensed as I walked by 75' away, but did not rise...and was still there as I went on down the road...too hot to move! I did see five, including two very young ones on a late PM bike ride yesterday.
- Say another Coyote recently...making six this summer....after none last summer??????
- Saw a huge Whitetail Buck a few days ago...with a smaller buck and two does....antlers in velvet...A royal stag to be sure....the big 10 pointer (more or less) sailed across an open ditch and melted into the dense forest as I unsuccessfully grappled for a camera. Priceless.
- Squirrels raid the bird feeders......and some have to jump 7-9' from a tree trunk to access the suspended feeders.....risk/reward. I get the sense that they are not finding much fodder in the forest....and their sightings and numbers are increasing daily. Freeze back in April?????


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