Friday, January 25, 2008

1/25/08 Observations

- Clear and cold this AM...9 degrees F on the mountain properties. This is about 20 degrees below normal for this date. Next week is forecast to be more seasonal with a couple of chances for rain.

- Last evening a great time for a fire and a good book.....and I was fortunate enough to enjoy both.

- 89% of the moon (waning) illuminated last night...and it cast quite a glow on the forest behind the cabin.

- One of our crew attemped to assist a young deer that was lying by the road last week, apparently having been bumped by a vehicle...but upon being approached it ran away, though noticeably limping. Yesterday, I believe I photographed this unfortunate young deer (see attached...the deer on the right in the photo...notice the back left leg is suspended), along with the mother and its sibling. The youngster never once placed it's back left foot on the ground, and it continued to have quite a limp. The location was about one mile from where it was seen by the road. These youngsters will stay with the mother (she was nearby) until she has her 2008 fawns (usually from late May-early July) and then they part ways. We wish it well.
- Also attached is a photo of five male Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) getting their fill of sunflower seeds on and beneath my feeders in a nearby area.
- The other attached photo is of a relatively new resident in our area of southeast Tennessee...The House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). The photo shows the male and female of the species. The male has the purple hue on the feathers...which is more red in spring and summer. Note the sparrow-like appearance of the female. It is quite easy to confuse this species, especially in winter, with the slighly larger Purple Finch (Carpdacus purpureus).


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